Handling Realtime Data with Supabase

In this guide, we'll learn how to handle realtime data in Supabase using server actions and react query. We implemented notifications as a realtime feature in Nextbase Ultimate and we can use that as a reference.

Supabase Realtime

Supabase provides a realtime service which can be used to listen to changes in your database. When used with a React client component useEffect it looks something like this:

import { useInfiniteQuery, useMutation, useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import {
} from './fetchClientNotifications';
const useUnseenNotificationIds = (userId: string) => {
  const { data, refetch } = useQuery(
    ['unseen-notification-ids', userId],
    async () => {
      return getUnseenNotificationIds(userId);
      initialData: [],
useEffect(() => {
  const channelId = `user-notifications:${userId}`;
  const channel = supabaseClient
        event: 'INSERT',
        schema: 'public',
        table: 'user_notifications',
        filter: 'user_id=eq.' + userId,
      () => {
        event: 'UPDATE',
        schema: 'public',
        table: 'user_notifications',
        filter: 'user_id=eq.' + userId,
      (payload) => {
  return () => {
}, [refetch, userId]);

In the above code, we are listening to changes in the user_notifications table and refetching the data when a change occurs. Depending on the scenario, you can also just use the payload from the realtime data to setState or update a react query cache directly.