Nextbase Docs

Handling Realtime Data With Supabase

Learn how to handle realtime data in Supabase using server actions and react query

In this guide, we'll learn how to handle realtime data in Supabase using server actions and react query. We implemented notifications as a realtime feature in Nextbase Ultimate and we can use that as a reference.

Supabase Realtime

Supabase provides a realtime service which can be used to listen to changes in your database. When used with a React client component useEffect it looks something like this:

import { useInfiniteQuery, useMutation, useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import {
} from './fetchClientNotifications';
const useUnseenNotificationIds = (userId: string) => {
  const { data, refetch } = useQuery(
    ['unseen-notification-ids', userId],
    async () => {
      return getUnseenNotificationIds(userId);
      initialData: [],
useEffect(() => {
  const channelId = `user-notifications:${userId}`;
  const channel = supabaseClient
        event: 'INSERT',
        schema: 'public',
        table: 'user_notifications',
        filter: 'user_id=eq.' + userId,
      () => {
        event: 'UPDATE',
        schema: 'public',
        table: 'user_notifications',
        filter: 'user_id=eq.' + userId,
      (payload) => {
  return () => {
}, [refetch, userId]);

In the above code, we are listening to changes in the user_notifications table and refetching the data when a change occurs. Depending on the scenario, you can also just use the payload from the realtime data to setState or update a react query cache directly.

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