Nextbase Docs

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework.

Tailwind has been configured with next.js.

We have the following plugins configured:

  • tailwindcss-animate: This plugin adds a set of helpful animation utilities to Tailwind CSS.
  • @tailwindcss/typography: This plugin provides a set of prose classes for beautiful typographic defaults.

Additionally, we've extended the default Tailwind configuration with:

  1. Custom color palette including primary, secondary, destructive, muted, accent, popover, and card colors.
  2. Custom border radius values.
  3. Custom font families:
    • sans: Uses the Inter font
    • display: Uses the Lexend font
    • sans2: Uses the Manrope font
  4. Custom keyframes and animations:
    • accordion-down and accordion-up
    • scale-up and scale-down
  5. Extended max-width with an 8xl size.

The configuration also includes a dark mode setup using the class strategy, allowing for easy implementation of a dark theme in your application.

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